Current Phase: 2 / PRA Typology Outcome Implementation.
Achieved Statuses: Ongoing Broad-based Feeding, Nutrition Education, Health and Nutrition Awareness Campaigns, Ongoing Nutrition Surveillance and Anthropometric Surveys Assessments, Biodiverse Permaculture Garden, Categorised additional nutrition ad-hoc services for expectant and nursing mothers, adolescents and older people according to nutritional requirements, linked the sick beneficiaries with health systems; children who’s malnutrition status had deteriorated as a result of environmental and situational determinants were redirected to the relevant partners for additional assistance, Environmental Campaigns, Infection Prevention.
Direct Beneficiaries
Inirect Beneficiaries
Food Security status in the area.
KwaDwesi is next to Kleinskool and is located in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Forming part of the Red Location housing completed after the realisation that there was a growth in the urban black population in apaprtheid South Africa, this settlement is undocumented and not represented.
Burdened by chronic and hidden hunger
COVID-19-related measures are likely to continue to affect households through the prohibition of movements – as 65% of the respondents reported these restrictions as challenging. The continued increase in food prices is likely to increase the levels of vulnerability among households in the Metro, especially among the 49% of the households that reported lack of money to purchase food and non-food items. Over-reliance on purchased foods with rising food prices is likely to diminish household purchasing power.
None | 814168 | 550202 | Lived Poverty, Unemployment, |
Stressed | 217111 | 330121 | Instability of Food Access, |
Crisis | 54278 | 165060 | Food Affordability, |
Emergency | 0 | 55020 | Loss of Income, |
Catastrophe | 0 | 0 | Covid-19 Impact |