Nutritional Newsletter
Stay updated with us and support the promotion of sustainable nutrition awareness.
Shining a Light to Spur Action on Nutrition
The burden of malnutrition remains unsolved, particularly in low- and middle-income households representing the most vulnerable populations, where about an average of 30 - 35% of children are affected by stunting or wasting and almost twice as many suffer...
Motheo Children’s Centre Relief to Sustainability
RELIEF TO SustainabilityMOTHEO CHILDRENS CENTREABOUTMotheo Children’s Centre - Situated in a remote rural community known Ngobi Village (between Pretoria and the NW) The centre was established in 2015 and is looking after 17 children in their intermediate phase, of...
get in touch, HELP SOUTH AFRICA
There are so many ways in which you can get involved to help contribute to fighting malnutrition in this beautiful country. We look forward to hearing from you.