The Operation Hunger Strategy is guided by the Convention on the Human Rights of which recognises the right for every human to nutrition. Malnutrition, in all its forms, is a violation of this right. Hence, the Strategy aims to contribute to addressing the triple burden of malnutrition: undernutrition, both stunting and wasting; deficiencies in vitamins and other micronutrients; and overweight, obesity and diet-related noncommunicable d


A world where all children, adolescents, women and men realise their right to holistic nutrition.


To provide, protect and promote diets, services and practices that support optimal nutrition, growth and development for all children, adolescents, women and men especially the vulnerable populations. 

With the Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030, we have outlined that we directly impact Sustainable Development Goals 2 (End hunger), 3 (Good health and well-being) and 5 (Gender equality). We ensure access by all people, including infants, to nutritious, safe and sufficient food all year round. In doing so, we are making strides in our efforts to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, especially in vulnerable communities focusing on women and children.



Maternal nutrition – encompasses Operation Hnuger’s programming for the prevention of all forms of malnutrition in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding − including undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and overweight − and the prevention of low birthweight in newborns.


Encompasses the activation of the central role of the food system – working together with the health, water and sanitation, education, and social protection systems.

Result Area 1 (0-5 yrs old)

Early childhood nutrition – encompasses Operation Hunger’s programming for the prevention of all forms of malnutrition in the first five years of life, including undernutrition – both stunting and wasting – micronutrient deficiencies and overweight.

RESULT area 4 (First 1K days)

Nutrition and care for children with wasting – encompasses Operation Hunger’s programming for the early detection and treatment of wasting in early childhood, through community-based approaches and linkages to health facility systems, as part of a continuum of nutrition, care and support for children.

Result area 2

Nutrition in middle childhood and adolescence – encompasses Operation Hunger’s programming for the prevention of all forms of malnutrition in middle childhood (ages 5–9 years) and adolescence (ages 10–19 years), including undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and overweight.


Results Area 5

Partnerships and governance for nutrition – encompasses Operation Hunger’s programming to strengthen the enabling environment for nutrition equity at regional and community level through improved partnerships, data, knowledge, advocacy, influence and financing.

“My vision is a society where there is always good food on the table available to everyone”

Clement Summerton

Projects Manager

“It is very good to work with the communities and beneficiaries learning how People live out there.”

Makhosi Buthelezi


Objective 1

To create resillient, healthy, self sustainable food secure communities by skills development, widening food evironment elements, strengthening local ownership and developing innovative approaches for sustainable program scaling.

Objective 2

To promote, lobby investment, deliver diets, services and practices that support good nutrition at every stage of life to all vulnerable populations within their communities.

Objective 3

To combine research, technical assistance, advocacy, and partnerships to influence policies, improve  programs, and to increase resources for nutrition.


Objective 4

To prevent undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overweight in early childhood (the first five years of life) and all life cycles.

Objective 5

To coordinate, capture and address the interactions and interconnections across systems – food, health, water and sanitation, education, and social protection.



The principles that guide the design and implementation of the Operation Hunger Nutrition Programmes.



Our approach to nutrition programming is guided by the conviction that reducing inequities is right in both principle and practice. Inequities prevent the most marginalized populations from having access to nutritious, safe, affordable and sustainable diets, adequate nutrition services and practices. Therefore programmes that place a deliberate focus on the most vulnerable can reduce inequities (right in principle) and improve impact (right in practice), This is key as all forms of malnutrition are increasingly concentrated among the poorest and most marginalized children, adolescents, women, families and communities.


Our approach to nutrition programming strives to lessen gender inequities across the life cycle within households and societies. This includes fostering women’s decision-making power regarding diets, services and practices, and engaging men in child feeding and care to reduce the impact of socially constructed gender roles on the nutrition of all household members. Therefore, programmes that contribute to realising girls’ and women’s right to nutrition help reduce gender discrimination and increase the potential for positive intergenerational impact on nutrition if or when women choose to become mothers.


Our approach to nutrition programming is guided by the conviction that context-specific programmatic responses contribute to the progressive realization of the holistic  right to nutrition. Context-specific

programming is informed by an analysis of the nutrition situation of each community/population  – including determinants, drivers and potential impact pathways – as well as an analysis of the resources (human and financial) and partnerships available. The triangulation of needs, resources and partnerships in the context of the Strategy allows Operation Hunger to tailor its nutrition programme to a specific programming context.


Our approach to nutrition programming is guided by the best scientific and programmatic evidence and guidance available. We are constantly adapt and generate new evidence (data and knowledge) that informs our sustainable, innovative approaches to maternal and child nutrition, in both development and humanitarian contexts.


Operation Hunger understands how everyday circumstances, environment, social position, human capital, and social context all jointly determine a person’s likelihood to become malnourished. Our programmatic responses activates the following systems: food, health, education, social protection and water/sanitation to deliver the greatest potential towards sustainable food, resilient communities.


Operation Hunger’s approach to nutrition programming is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which recognize the right for all to nutrition.


End hunger – Achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

#3 Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

#3 Gender equality

Gender equality – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

our HUNGER heroes

Our support to the communities during this time would not be possible without our generous donors, sponsors and partners.
We thank you for your continuous support.

get in touch, HELP SOUTH AFRICA

There are so many ways in which you can get involved to help contribute to fighting malnutrition in this beautiful country. We look forward to hearing from you.

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