During the month of October in commemoration of World Food Month, Operation Hunger highlights the nutrition status in the Limpopo province with the focus on rural prosperity in the wider context of transforming food systems and their role in delivering accessible, affordable healthy diets for all.

Using Limpopo as proof of context, in our previous issue we began by illustrating the changing patterns of population agglomerations across the rural–urban continuum and its interface as a place of exchange and socioeconomic interactions, how it is reshaping and being reshaped by changing trends in the food systems, agri-food systems and the wider food environment with implications for the availability and affordability of healthy diets, and in turn, for food security and nutrition. We provided evidence to showcase that food purchases are no longer high only among urban households but are also increasingly high within rural households. The consumption of highly processed foods is also increasing in peri-urban and rural areas within the province. This makes availability, access and affordability vital especially for low-income house households.
Operation Hunger advocates for an inclusive approach to transforming food systems, that considers the diversity of rural-urban people’s contexts, circumstances, vulnerabilities and opportunities. With the understanding that the continuing undernutrition, escalating overnutrition and high micronutrient deficiency can be resolved only if people produce and consume a more diverse and nutrient-dense diet. An ambitious focus on improving the nutrition of both rural and urban population has a potential double dividend for rural livelihoods. Producing greater volumes of higher value fruits, vegetables and protein can drive growth in the rural food economy. In turn, this can contribute to rural households being able to access and afford more nutritious food – improving their health, productivity and quality of life. Addressing dietary and nutrition inequities is about improving the distribution of opportunities to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

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